283 E. Main St. Avon, NY 14414 (585)226-2420
This local chain has nine locations in and around Rochester. Of the nine, the Avon Tom Wahl's is the 1955 original. Tom Wahl's handcrafts their ice cream @ the Avon location. That ice cream is then delivered to all of the other Tom Wahl's restaurants. Tom Wahl's also makes their own rootbeer on the premises. I ordered a cheeseburger topped with white American cheese, mustard, ketchup, onions, pickles and relish along with onion rings and a frosted cold mug of their rootbeer. The burgers are cooked fresh. While the burger is cooking it is pressed with a pie plate to give it its unique look. My cheeseburger was excellent! My onion rings were excellent! And my frosted cold mug of Tom Wahl's rootbeer was one of the best I have ever tasted. It's not too hard to find a place that has a great burger, but it's very hard to find a place that makes everything great. Tom Wahl's does. If you happen to visit on April Fools day you can sample some of Tom Wahl's once a year ice cream flavor creations like ketchup, horseradish and haddock. Tom Wahl's is famous for their soft twist ice cream. In a place that handcrafts their ice cream I could not leave without getting my usual vanilla milkshake. My milkshake, like everything else @ Tom Wahl's, was superb! They do take VISA. This is really a great place, enjoy!