214 S White St Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919) 556-8026

It was lunchtime in Wake Forest North Carolina. The only TV in the place had the Price Is Right on. The hotdogs were grilling and the buns were steaming at Shorty’s Famous Hotdogs. Shorty’s is in the historic district of the town. Shorty’s has been a fixture in Wake Forest since 1916. That makes it one of the oldest hotdog shops in the country. Shorty’s is very close to Southeastern Baptist Seminary. This proximity makes it a meeting and eating spot for the students. Inside stainless steel is everywhere and eight original swivel stools sit at a counter with the grill just behind it. They also have two old scales, one at the front and the other between the bathrooms. I was there before noon and the place was packed. I got a Coke and two slaw-dogs with everything. That includes mustard, onions, relish, chili, slaw (nice and sweet) and the nuclear red hotdogs. As I stated before, the dogs (Jesse Jones brand) are grilled and the buns are steamed. My slaw-dogs were excellent!!! Thanks Shorty’s for my excellent slaw-dogs.