1925 Second Avenue North
Birmingham AL
(205) 252-2905
* It has been reported that Pete's Hotdogs has Closed!

If Pete’s didn’t have its vintage neon sign out in front of the place it would be very hard to spot. The building is literally a hole in the wall. There are no seats just a small counter space near the back were you stand and eat. Inside the front screen door you will see empty Coca-Cola crates stacked up against the wall and stainless steel everywhere. Not counting the two behind the counter, five people is a crowd in Pete’s literally. Pete’s grills their dogs and the buns are steamed in a steam box. The dogs are pork and beef, Zeigler Skinless Brand. A regular dog comes with mustard, onions, kraut and sauce. A special dog is topped with ground beef like chili, mustard, onions and sauce. I had one of each and a cold glass bottle coke. The dogs were a bit messy, but they were both very good.
