1230 E New Circle Rd Lexington, KY 40505 (859) 254-8723
Opened on November 11th 1951 on what was once a dirt and gravel road, the Parkette has grown into one of America's best big drive-ins. GPS-aided or not, once you see the Parkette's towering 40ft tall steel and neon sign (`57 Chevy tailfins are said to have inspired the sign's design) in all of its neon glory, you will know you have arrived @ your destination. Pull into any of the Parkette's 75 car bays and peruse the car-side menu (the ¼ white chicken dinners and the poor boys are the Parkette's most popular menu items). When you are ready, push the button on the Servus Fone speaker and give your order. My vanilla shake, cheeseburger and onion rings were all very good! I'll try the chicken and poor boy on my next visit.
