1164 Highway 42 S
Jackson, GA 30233
(770) 775-3182
This 1929 roadside Q house has such amenities as: a sawdust covered front porch, a sand and gravel parking lot, a metal roof, concrete floors, real knotty pine paneling on the walls and ceilings, and a large outside woodpile full of oak and hickory logs. But, the centerpiece of this Q house is its incredibly amazing indoor hand-crafted marvel of a barbeque pit that is definitely a piece of working Georgia barbeque history. Fresh Air cooks their hams over a blend of oak and hickory. My already sauced, tender and juicy pork and my Brunswick stew, accompanied by crackers and two slices of white bread, were both very delicious. If you get your Q by the pound to go they will weigh it on a 1930's era hanging grocers scale. If you are a student of Georgia Q history Fresh Air Bar-B-Que is definitely a great back roads place you don't want to miss. Enjoy!
